24.08.2020 | IMPORTANT ANNONCEMENT – ADMISSIONS 2020 – The EU and non-EU candidates who enroll for the English language certificate
The EU and non-EU candidates who enroll for the English language certificate (Level B1) examination will send the following 3 documents to this address (ouc.elc@gmail.com):
-the Application Form filled in and signed,
– the photocopy of your valid passport (clear and visible) and
– a fee payment proof for 100 euros (which must specify: “Litere CCL [candidate’s name]”)
-The fee in EURO will be paid in the account of “Ovidius” University of Constanta, opened at Banca Comercială Română of Constanta, IBAN: RO49RNCB0114032053160011 (SWIFT: RNCBROBU).
– The tax number of OUC: 4301332.
– Please specify: “Litere CCL [candidate’s name]”
Once we receive these documents, the candidate will be sent a link for the Webex platform.
The examination will take place on August 25, 2020, starting with 12.00 pm (Romania time).